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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Luke - Luke 5

Luke 5:29-39

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29And Levi gave a great entertainment at his house, in honour of Jesus; and a large number of tax-gatherers and others were having dinner with them.
30The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law belonging to their party complained of this to the disciples of Jesus.
31In answer Jesus said, “It is not those who are well who need a doctor, but those who are ill.
32I have not come to call the religious, but the outcast, to repent.”
33“John's disciples,” they said to Jesus, “Often fast and say prayers, and so do the disciples of the Pharisees, while yours are eating and drinking!”
34But Jesus answered them, “Can you make the groom's friends fast while the groom is with them?
35But the days will come — a time when the groom will be taken away from them; and they will fast then, when those days come.”
36Then, as an illustration, Jesus said to them, “No one ever tears a piece from a new garment and puts it on an old one; for, if they do, they will not only tear the new garment, but the piece from the new one will not match the old.
37And no one puts new wine into old wine-skins; for, if they do, the new wine will burst the skins, and the wine itself will run out, and the skins be lost.
38But new wine must be put into fresh skins.
39No one after drinking old wine wishes for new. ‘No,’ they say, ‘the old is excellent.’”

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