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Targum Onkelos Etheridge - Exodus

Exodus 25

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1And the Lord spake with Mosheh, saying,
2Speak with the sons of Israel that they set apart before Me a separated portion: from every man who is willing in his heart thou shalt receive that which is set apart.
3And this is the separation that thou shalt take of them: gold, and silver and brass;
4And hyacinth, and purple and vermilion, (bright colour,) and fine linen, (butz,) and hair of goats,
5And skins of rams made red, and skins of purple, and sittin woods;
6Oil for the illuminators, aromatics for the anointing oil, and aromatics for the incense;
7Burilla stones, and stones that may complete the insetting of the ephod and the breastplate.
8And they shall make before me A SANCTUARY in which I will dwell among them.
9Altogether as I show thee the pattern of the sanctuary, and the pattern of all its vessels, even so shalt thou make them.
10And they shall make an ARK of sitta wood; two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height.
11And thou shalt cover it with pure gold within and without, and thou shalt make a crown of gold upon it round about.
12And thou shalt cast for it four rings of gold, and set them upon its four corners, two rings upon one side of it, and two rings upon its other side.
13And thou shalt make staves of sittin woods, and cover them with gold,
14and shalt insert the staves in the rings upon the sides of the ark, that the ark may be carried upon them.
15In the rings of the ark shall be the staves, they shall not be removed therefrom.
16And thou shalt place in the ark the Testimony that I will give thee.
17And thou shalt make A PROPITIATORY Of pure gold; two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth.
18And thou shalt make two KERUBIN of gold, beaten (ductile) shalt thou make them, on the two sides of the propitiatory.

19And thou shalt make one keruba on this side and one keruba on that side of the propitiatory; thou shalt make the kerubin on its two sides.
20And the kerubin shall have their wings outspreading above, overshadowing the propitiatory with their wings; and their faces shall be opposite one to another, towards the propitiatory shall be the faces of the kerubin.
21And thou shalt set the propitiatory upon the Ark over above, and within the ark shalt thou put the Testimony that I will give thee.
22And I will appoint My Word (Memra) with thee there; and I will speak with thee from above the Propitiatory, from between the two kerubin that are upon the Ark of the Testimony, all that I may command thee for the sons of Israel.
23And thou shalt Make A TABLE of sittin woods, two cubits the length of it, and a cubit its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height.
24And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, and make for it a crown of gold round about.
25And thou shalt make to it a border, a handbreadth high round about, and make a crown of gold to the border of it round about.
26And thou shalt make for it four golden rings, and put the rings upon the four corners of its four feet.
27Opposite to the border shall be the rings for the place of the staves for carrying the table.
28And thou shalt make the staves of sittin woods, and cover them with gold, that they may carry the table upon them.
29And thou shalt make its dishes and its vases, its vials and its chalices with which the libations are outpoured, of pure gold shalt thou make them.
30And thou shalt set upon the table the PRESENCE BREAD continually before Me.
31And thou shalt make A CANDELABRUM; of pure ductile gold shalt thou make the candelabrum; its base and its shaft, its cups, apples, and lilies, of the same shall they be.
32And six branches shall come out from its sides, three branches of the candelabrum from one side, and three branches of the candelabrum on the second side.
33Three cups (calyxes) figured on one branch with apple and lily, and three cups figured on one branch with apple and lily, so for the six branches that come out from the candelabrum.
34And upon the candelabrum shall be four cups, figurated with apples and lilies;
35An apple under the two branches of this, and an apple under the two branches of that, according to the six branches that come forth from the candelabrum.
36Their apples and their branches shall be of it, all beaten of pure gold.

37And thou shalt make its seven lights, and kindle its lights that they may shine towards its face.
38And its snuffers and shovels (shall be made) of pure gold.
39Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it and all these vessels.
40And look thou, and make, according to their resemblance which was displayed in the mount.