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Updated Brenton English Septuagint - Job

Job 7

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1Is not the life of man upon earth a state of trial? And his existence as that of a hireling by the day?
2Or as a servant that fears his master, and one who has grasped a shadow? Or as a hireling waiting for his pay?
3So have I also endured months of vanity, And nights of pain have been appointed me.
4Whenever I lie down, I say, When will it be day? And whenever I rise up, again I say when will it be evening? And I am full of pains from evening to morning.
5And my body is covered with loathsome worms; And I waste away, scraping off clods of dust from my eruption.
6And my life is lighter than a word, And has perished in vain hope.
7Remember then that my life is breath, And mine eye shall not yet again see good.
8The eye of him that sees me shall not see me again: Thine eyes are upon me, and I am no more.
9I am as a cloud that is cleared away from the sky: For if a man go down to the grave, he shall not come up again:
10And he shall surely not return to his own house, Neither shall his place know him anymore.
11Then neither will I refrain my mouth: I will speak being in distress; Being in anguish I will disclose the bitterness of my soul.
12Am I a sea, or a serpent, That thou hast set a watch over me?
13I said that my bed should comfort me, And I would privately counsel with myself on my couch.
14Thou scarest me with dreams, and dost terrify me with visions.
15Thou wilt separate life from my spirit; And yet keep my bones from death.
16For I shall not live forever, that I should patiently endure: Depart from me, for my life is vain.
17For what is man, that thou hast magnified him? Or that thou givest heed to him?
18Wilt thou visit him till the morning, And judge him till the time of rest?

19How long dost thou not let me alone, Nor let me go, until I shall swallow down my spittle?
20If I have sinned, what shall I be able to do, O thou that understandest the mind of men? Why hast thou made me as thine accuser, And why am I a burden to thee?
21Why hast thou not forgotten my iniquity, And purged my sin? But now I shall depart to the earth; And in the morning, I am no more.