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Bibeli Gusunɔn Gari - Yoɛli

Yoɛli 3

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1Yen biru kon nɛn Hunde doke tɔmbu kpuro sɔɔ. Bɛɛn bii tɔn durɔbu kɑ tɔn kurɔbu bɑ koo nɛn ɡɑri ɡere, kpɑ bɛɛn durɔ tɔkɔnu nu n dosusu mɔ̀, kpɑ bɛɛn ɑluwɑɑsibɑ bu kɑ̃sinu wɑ.
2Bɑɑ kɑ yobɔ, kon bu nɛn Hunde wɛ̃wɑ tɔ̃ɔ te.
3Yen tɔ̃ɔ te sɔɔ, kon mɑɑmɑɑkibɑ ko. Kon de yɛm kɑ dɔ̃ɔ kɑ wii bɑkɑsu sɔ̃ɔsirɑ wɔllɔ kɑ temɔ.
4Sɔ̃ɔ u koo yɑm tĩrɑ, kpɑ suru u swɛ̃rɑ nɡe yɛm, Yinni Gusunɔn tɔ̃ɔ nɑnumɡii te, tu sere tunumɑ.
5Adɑmɑ yen tɔ̃ɔ te, wi u Yinni Gusunɔ sokɑ, u koo fɑɑbɑ wɑ. Gɑbu bɑ koo kisirɑ nɔni swɑ̃ɑ ten di Siɔnin ɡuurɔ Yerusɑlɛmuɔ nɡe mɛ Yinni Gusunɔ u ɡeruɑ. Beyɑ be u sokɑ bɑ n kɑ wɑ̃ɑru mɔ.