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Free Bible Version - Romans - Romans 10

Romans 10:8-16

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8What Scripture actually says is: “The message is very close to you—it's what you talk about and what's in your mind.” In fact it's this message based on trust that we're presenting.
9For if you declare that you accept Jesus as Lord, and you are convinced in your mind that God raised him from the dead, then you will be saved.
10Your trust in God makes you right and good, and your declaration of accepting God saves you.
11As Scripture says, “Those who trust in him will not be disappointed.”
12There's no difference between Jew and Greek—for the same Lord is Lord of everyone, and he gives generously to everyone who asks him.
13For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
14But how can people call on someone they don't trust? How can they trust someone they haven't heard about? How can they hear unless they're told?
15How can they go out and tell others unless they're sent? Just as Scripture says, “Those who come bringing the good news are truly welcome!”
16But not everyone has accepted the good news. As Isaiah asks: “Lord, who trusted in the news they heard from us?”

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