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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Luke - Luke 18

Luke 18:11-24

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11And the Pharisee stood, and prayed by himself these things, and said, God, I do thankings to thee, (or God, I give thanks to thee), for I am not as other men, raveners, unjust, adulterers, as also this publican (is);
12I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all (the) things that I have in possession.
13And the publican stood afar (or And the tax-collector stood far off), and would not raise up his eyes to heaven, but smote his breast, and said, God be merciful to me, (a) sinner.
14Truly I say to you, this went down into his house, and was justified from the other. For each that enhanceth himself, shall be made low, and he that meeketh himself, shall be enhanced. (I tell you the truth, this man went down to his house, and was justified rather than the other man. For everyone who exalteth himself, or who raiseth himself up, shall be made low, and he who humbleth himself, shall be exalted, or shall be raised up.)
15And they brought to him young children, that he should touch them; and when the disciples saw this thing, they blamed them. (And they brought young children to him, so that he would touch them; and when the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.)
16But Jesus called together them, and said, Suffer ye (the) children to come to me, and do not ye forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of heavens. (But Jesus called them together, and said, Allow the children to come to me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.)
17Truly I say to you, whoever shall not take the kingdom of God as a child, he shall not enter into it. (I tell you the truth, whoever shall not receive, or shall not accept, the Kingdom of God like a child, he shall not enter into it.)
18And a prince asked him, and said, Good master, in what thing doing shall I wield everlasting life? (And a leader of the synagogue asked him, and said, Good Teacher, what must I do to get, or to possess, eternal life?)
19And Jesus said to him, What sayest thou me (to be) good? (or Why sayest thou that I am good?) No man is good, but God alone.
20Thou knowest the commandments, Thou shalt not slay, Thou shalt not do lechery, Thou shalt not do theft, Thou shalt not say false witnessing, Worship thy father and thy mother. (Thou knowest the commandments, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not do adultery, Thou shalt not do theft, Thou shalt not give false testimony, or Thou shalt not lie, Honour thy father and thy mother.)
21Which said (or And he replied), I have kept all these things from my youth.
22And when this thing was heard, Jesus said to him, Yet one thing faileth to thee; sell thou all (the) things that thou hast, and give to poor men, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, and (pur)sue thou me, or and come, and (pur)sue me, (or and come, and follow me).
23And when these things were heard, he was sorrowful, for he was full rich.
24And Jesus seeing him made sorry or made sorrowful said, How hard they that have money or riches shall enter into the kingdom of God;

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