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Plain English Version - Mark - Mark 4

Mark 4:35-39

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35On that same day, while Jesus was teaching, the sun started to go down. He was still sitting in the boat, so he stopped teaching and told his followers to take him across the lake.
36So they left all the other people behind and his followers started to take him across the lake in their boat. Some other people got into their boats and followed them.
37A little bit later a really strong storm came up. The wind was very strong, and the waves started to fill the boat with water. It was ready to sink.
38Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat with his head on a pillow. His followers were frightened, so they woke him up and they shouted at him, “Hey, Teacher, we will all drown. And you don’t care. Why don’t you do something?”
39Jesus opened his eyes, stood up and growled at the wind and told that water, “Stop. Be quiet.” Straight away the wind stopped and the water lay down flat. Everything was quiet and still.

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