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Bogtag we ye Tefoy - 1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 15

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1Hami rewol bisiy, idipli bo ibe hamangi ngalugmi Hapatpat Momay we ifoloyu ngalugmi we hasa talenga ngo sa tugul dipmi iyang.
2Ila iy Hapatpat Momay we ifoloyu ngalugmi. Habe daor igle ha itol chog dipmi irel Hapatpat Momay le. Hare bete ila sengal ila ngo tor loh pelal tugulul ladep la yami.
3Isa kangalugmi meka ngang igula le ye hartael palleng fal: Kristus ye mes bo fael meka molfidich. Ila sengal le ye teftaf lal babior we ye santus.
4Re leba ngo solral mo wol miril ngo sa molow tefael mo irel maes. Ila sengal le ye teftaf lal Babior we ye Santus.
5Ye moal llah ngal Pedrus, iwe ngo yesa moch llah ngalir panger apostel kowe seg mo rumal.
6Iwe ngo sew chog yad ngo yesa llah ngalir mokwe re dabeyal we rebe ligdi limngeras. Dolper rechokla ila re chil molow ngo yor tot ir le resa rol mes.
7Iwe ngo yesa llah ngal James. Iwe ngo la wol miril ngo yesa moch llah ngalir panger apostel kowe tot.
8Yela wol miril loh ngo yesa moch llah ngaliyey — le ila mwo iwochog semal le re dimolowagili le ye ted hola marmal.
9Bo ngang mele ihartael totol mo luwullur panger apostel — tor igegay le rebe ffesangu ngalyey bo ngang semal apostel, bo fael mala ihafohoyur yarmetael eklesia la yael Deus.
10Fael haradiya la yael Deus mele sa iye sengay iyang. Iwe ngo haradiya la ye fang ngalyey ila ye palleng pelal. Ye kkel yai yengang mo imor apostel kala sibis, ngo ligdi bo te ngang chog yai foru meka, bo haradiya la yael Deus ye tipingiyey.
11Ila te tugul hare ngang mele ifoloyu hare ir, iwe ngo ika chog iy hapatpat kowe pangamem ngo hama foloyu. Ngo hami ha chepar iyang.
12Hare hamem ha foloyu le Kristus ye molow tefael mo irel maes, ila ngo ifa sengal mala sibis hami re sor le chomes re towe molow tefael?
13Hare ye katos mala ha sosor, ila ngo Kristus yete molow tefael mo irel maes;
14iwe ngo hare te molow tefael Kristus mo irel maes, ila ngo tor mele hamem habe foloyu, ngo tor mele hami be tugul lal dipmi iyang.
15Iwe ngo be wol llah le hamem ha kachepar kofal Deus, irel molwe hamem ha sor bo Deus ye hamolowa tefaeli Kristus mo irel maes. Bo hare ye katos le chomes re tema molow tefael mo irel maes, ila ngo Deus yete hamolowa tefaeli Kristus.
16Bo hare chomes re tema molow tefael, ila ngo wol ila sengal Kristus bo te molow tefael mo irel maes.
17Iwe ngo hare yete molow tefael Kristus mo irel maes, ila ngo tor pelael tugulul ladep la yami, ngo habe chil mel luwul mekla molfidmi.
18Ngo wol sew mekla be budoh mo iyang, ila rechokla resa mes le luwul yar tugulul ladep irel Kristus ila re towe molow tefael.

19Hare yach luglug ngal Kristus ila pelal ngal chog molow le si mel iyang igla, ngo tor pelal ngal ila sew, ila ngo gich mele yarmat be kkel yar fahogich mo lal faileng le.
20Iwe ngo ligdi bo mala katosal ila ye molow tefael Kristus mo irel maes. Ila mala tugulul le rechokla resa mes ila rebe wol molow tefael mo irel maes.
21Bo maes ila hasiyeldoh semal mal; ngo wol ila sengal “molow tefael mo irel maes” bo hasiyeldoh semal mal.
22Pangal yarmat ngo rema mes bo fael mala re sew chog mo Adam. Wol ila chog sengal yar pangal yarmat be molow tefael, bo fael mala resa sew chog mo Kristus.
23Ngo ligdi bo semal ngo be molow tefael le be dabey mala ragregel le sa faesul tugul: Kristus mele metamol; iwe ngo yodla bela tefaldoh ngo resa moch molow tefael rechokla resa mel bo lol Deus.
24Bela budoh miril faileng, ngo Kristus ye bele lamlirloh panger angelus kala re tayikof mo tamol mo rechokla yor kkeler, iwe ngo bele fang mala Lamliyal ngal Deus la Temal.
25Bo Kristus yebe lamli pangal formel yee, yela hola yodla Deus be halusur ngo ye sururloh panger rechokla re hattohar ngali.
26Mala hartal loh mo luwul pangal mekla ye hattohar ngal Samol, le Samol yebe hachuyaoh mala kkelel maes.
27Bo babior we ye santus ye sor bo, “Deus yesa yitli pangal formel fael mekla pechel.” Ye ffod le mala re sor bo “pangal formel” ila ye tamel Deus iyang, le iy mele yesa itol Kristus bo yebe lamli pangal formel.
28Yodla Deus ye bele foru le pangal formel ngo be mel bo lamliyel Kristus, ngo Deus bele lamli Kristus, bo yagel mala pangal formel ngo iy Deus mele yebe lamli.
29Ifa senger rechokla re baptismus bo yagilir rechokla resa mes — meda mele re luluwaley le be yoh ngalir? Hare ye katos mala sibis re sor le chomes re towe molow tefael mo irel maes, ila ngo meda fal le rebe baptismus bo yagilir rechokla resa mes?
30Iwe ngo hamem — meda fal le habe mel chog luwul hammerah pangal yad iyang?
31Hami rewol bisiy, pangal ral ngo ngang imel chog luwul weres. Yai cchehas iremi irel molow le yach le siya sew chog mo Kristus Jesus le yach Samol mele yela yoh le ikapta mele iyang.
32Hare ye wochog bo ngang ima fedeg ngalir “mael ka re machoh” wol Ephesus le, lea idabey chog luluwal ka yach yarmat, ila ngo meda mmaley le ye budoh mo iyang? Iwe ngo hare chomes re towe molow tefael mo irel maes, ila ngo iye sengal molwe rema toa sor, “Siya rol mongoy ngo si rol yul bo walsu mele sibe mes.”
33Ha hafalliy bo yarmat rede kacheprahmi. “Rechokla re tayikof ila rema hatayikofaloh wegdigir rechokla re momay.”
34Ha tefael ngal luluwal kala yami le ye fel ngo hasa ligdi wegdeg tayikof kala yami. Mele ibe kapta ila habe maa iyang. Ye mel tot hami le ha togla Deus.
35Yor sibis le rebe kasiy bo, “Be ifa sengal ngo chomes resa molow tefael mo irel maes? Be ifa sengal igegel mekla holonger?”
36Hami ha rol buch! Yodla ha bela fadgu sefaes faesol ire ngo towe yoh le be tumul le be te mes.

37Mala ha fadgu ila sefaes chog faesol ire, medalbo sefaes faesol wheat, hare faesol semat grain le ye towe tapel mala igegal irel yodla ye bela pallengdah iyang.
38Deus mele ye foru igegel sefaes mo sefaes faesol ire irel yodla bela tumuldah, le ye faor ngal mala iy ye dipli. Iy mele ye fang ngal sefaes mo sefaes faesol ire mala holongol igegal irel yodla yebe tomuldah.
39Fodogol meka ye molow ila te pangal ngo ye hafedeg chog. Semat fodogol yarmat ngo semat fodogol mael, ngo semat fodogol mael yeyal, ngo semat fodogol yig.
40Yor mekla ye mel woal laeng ngo yor ikla ye mel woal talop. Momayel mekla ye mel woal laeng mo momayel ika ye mel woal talop ila yete hafedeg fengal;
41Yaal ila semat loh chog momayel, ngo wol ila sengal meram bo semat momayel. Fiis ila semat momayel. Fiska chog ngo te hafedeg momayel.
42Be ila sengal igegar chomes irel yodla re bela molow tefael mo irel maes. Yodla ye liblib porog la ngo yebe mongongowloh. Iwe ngo bela molow tefael mo irel maes ngo tayor fael sew le be chil mes.
43Yodla ye liblib ngo bele tayikof igegal ngo towol yor kkelal, ngo bela molow tefael mo irel maes ngo bele kamdidiy ngo ye kkel.
44Yodla ye liblib ngo ye chil mel le holongol yarmat, ngo yodla bela molow tefael mo irel maes ngo tayor fael sew le yebe chil mes. Hare yor holongoch le yema mes, ila ngo be wol yor holongoch le tor fael sew le be mes.
45Bo babior we ye santus ye sor bo, “Metamol yarmat ila Adam, le ye sub sala mel le ye molow”; ngo Adam la ye hamir ila yema fang molow.
46Te yeramtala ye bidiy mo wol laeng mele yebe hamo, bo yeramtala ye budoh mo wol talop, iwe ngo sa moch ila ye bidiy mo wol laeng.
47Mala metamol Adam ila ye budoh mo wol talop ngo ye budoh mo irel bol; ila harumalel Adam ila ye bidiy mo wol laeng.
48Rechokla yarmetael talop ila re wochog yeramtala ye ffaor mo irel bol; rechokla yarmetal laeng ila re wochog yeramtala ye bidiy mo wol laeng.
49Gich ila si wochog yeramtala ye ffaor mo irel bol, ngo si wol wochog Mal we ye bidiy mo woal laeng.
50Hami rewol bisiy, iye mele ikakapta kofael. Meka ye budoh mo irel fodog mo ccha, ila towe yoh le be hola mala Lamliyel Deus. Iwe ngo meka yema mes, ila towe yoh ngali le yebe wochog meka tema mes.
51Ha taelenga mele le yarmat re togla: te pangach ngo sibe mes, ngo ligdi bo yodla chog bela ddig mala hartael rappa ngo bele liwel meka holongoch,
52le be we fedal hamrup. Bo yodla bela ddig rappa la ngo chomes ila re bele molow tefael le tayor fael sew le rebe mes, iwe ngo pangach ngo bele liwel meka holongoch.
53Bo mekla yema tayikofloh ila ye tugul le be liwel ngal mekla towe tayikof, ngo mekla be mes ila be liwel ngal mekla towe yoh le be mes.
54Yodla bela weldoh mele, le sa liwel meka yema mes ngal ika tema mes, ila ngo bele ppalu ngal molwe babior we ye santus ye sor bo: “Deus sa hachuyaloh kkelel maes ngo iy mele sa kkel!”

55“Maes, ifa kkelem? Maes, ifa kkelem le hobe hafohoyur yarmat?”
56Ye budoh kkelel maes mo irel molfid be hafohoyur yarmat. Iwe ngo ye budoh kkelel molfid mo irel Hatobtob we.
57Iwe ngo sa hachigchig Deus le iy mele ye fang kkelach mo irel Samol la yach Jesus Kristus!
58Ila hami rewol bisiy le ihachangugmi, ha mel chog le yebe kkel dipmi. Ha itol chog dipmi irel yengang kala yael Samol bo hami ngo ha gola le te tor pelal yengang kala yal le hama foru.