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Translation for Translators - Proverbs - Proverbs 28

Proverbs 28:4-12

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4Those who reject/disobey God's laws always speak well of wicked people; but those who obey God's laws always oppose what wicked people do.
5Evil people do not understand what it means to act justly, but those who try to obey/worship Yahweh understand that very well.
6It is better to be honest even though you are poor than to be dishonest even though you are rich.
7Young people who obey the laws are wise IDM; parents whose children associate with those who ◄carouse/go to wild parties► are humiliated/disgraced because of what their children do.
8When people become very rich by charging very high interest DOU, their money will eventually go to someone who does kind things for the poor.
9If people do not obey MTY God's laws, God ◄detests their prayers/considers that their prayers stink►.
10Those who cause honest/good people to do what is evil will fall into their own pits/traps, but good things will happen to those who ◄are innocent/have not done what is wrong►.
11Many rich people think that they are wise, but poor people who have good sense will find out whether rich people really are wise or not.
12When righteous/good people ◄succeed/win elections►, everyone ◄celebrates/is happy►; but when wicked people win, everyone hides because they are afraid of what the wicked people will do.

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