13A messenger who ◄is reliable/tells someone else exactly what he was told to say► refreshes the spirits of his bosses who sent him like SIM ◄snow/cold water► refreshes the ground at the time that people harvest crops.
14When someone promises to give a gift to us but never gives it, that disappoints us as much as SIM clouds and wind that come but do not bring any rain.
15If someone keeps requesting a ruler long enough to do something, he will often agree to do it; similarly, by speaking MTY gently we can often convince others that what we say is right IDM.
16If you find some honey, do not eat a lot of it, because doing that may cause you to vomit.
17Do not go to your neighbor's house very often to talk with him; if you go very often, he will get tired of listening to you and start to hate you.
18To falsely accuse others in court is like SIM attacking them with a war-club or a sword or a sharp arrow.
19Depending on unreliable people when you have troubles is as bad as trying to eat when you have a bad/hurting tooth or trying to walk when your foot is crippled.
20Singing to someone who is depressed just causes him to feel worse; it is like SIM taking off clothes on a very cold day or like putting vinegar on a wound.