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Translation for Translators - Proverbs - Proverbs 18

Proverbs 18:11-22

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11Rich people are protected because they have a lot of money PRS like a city is protected because it has a high wall surrounding it SIM.
12Proud people are on the road to being ruined, but being humble leads to being honored.
13Those who reply to someone before that person has finished speaking are foolish; doing that is disgraceful.
14A desire to continue to live can sustain someone when he is sick; if he loses that desire, he ◄cannot endure it/will become very discouraged► when he is sick RHQ.
15Intelligent people are always wanting to learn more; wise people SYN are not content with what they already know.
16If you take a gift to an important person, that will open the way to allow you to talk to him.
17The first person to present his case in court seems right, but when ◄someone else/his opponent► begins to ask him questions, it may become clear that what he said was not true.
18If two influential/important people are arguing, someone can settle the matter by ◄casting lots/throwing marked stones to decide who is right►.
19If you help relatives, they will protect you like SIM a strong wall protects a city, but if you quarrel with them, that will separate you from them like bars on a city gate separate the city from those who want to enter it MET.
20People are happy when they hear others say MTY something that is good, like they are happy when they eat food that is good MET.
21What you say can cause others to be killed or it can cause them to continue to live; so those who like to talk a lot must ◄accept the consequences/realize that what they say can cause much harm►.
22If you marry a good woman, that is like finding a wonderful thing; it shows that Yahweh is pleased with you.

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