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Translation for Translators - Proverbs - Proverbs 15

Proverbs 15:8-14

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8Yahweh detests the sacrifices that are offered by wicked people; what delights/pleases him very much are the prayers of righteous/good people.
9Yahweh hates/detests the behavior of wicked people, but he loves those who always do what is righteous/just/fair.
10Those who do what is wrong will be severely punished; those who do not want to be corrected will die.
11Yahweh knows what is happening in the place where dead people DOU are, so he certainly knows RHQ what people are thinking.
12Some people do not want to be corrected; they never go to wise people to seek good advice from them.
13When people are happy, they have smiles on their faces; but when they are sad, by looking at their faces we can see that they are sad.
14Those who have good sense want to learn more; foolish people MTY are very satisfied with being foolish/ignorant.

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