6Those who make fun of being wise will never become wise, but those who understand what is right learn things easily.
7Stay away from foolish people, because they will not be able to teach you anything useful.
8Those who have good sense are wise, so they know what they should do and what they should not do; foolish people do not know what is right to do, but because they think that they do, they are deceiving themselves.
9Foolish people make fun of their committing sins; but God is pleased with those who do what is right.
10If you are very sad or if you are joyful, only you know what you are experiencing; no one else can know what you are feeling.
11Houses built by wicked people will be destroyed, but houses built by good/righteous people will last for a long time.
12There are some kinds of behavior MET that some people falsely think are right, but ◄walking on those roads/continually doing those things► causes those people to die.
13Sometimes when people laugh, they are really sad, and when they stop laughing, they are still sad.
14Those who stubbornly continue to do what is wrong will get what they deserve, and those who continually do what is good will also get what they deserve.
15Foolish people believe everything that people tell them; those who have good sense think carefully about what will be the result of their actions.
16Wise people are careful and avoid doing things that will give them trouble; foolish people are careless and act ◄too quickly/without thinking►.
17Those who quickly become angry IDM do foolish things; people hate those who plan to do wicked things (OR, those who have good sense remain calm/patient).
18Foolish people get what they deserve for doing foolish things; those with good sense are rewarded MET by being able to learn a lot.
19Some day evil people will bow down in front of righteous people to show that they respect them; they will humbly stand at the gates of the houses of righteous people and request their help.
20No one likes poor people; even their friends/neighbors do not like them; rich people have many friends, but only while the rich people still have money.
21It is sinful to despise your poor neighbors; God is pleased with those who do kind things for the poor.
22Those who plan to do things that are evil/wrong are walking on the wrong road; people faithfully love, respect and are loyal to those who plan to do what is good.
23If you work hard, you will ◄accomplish something good/get a good income►, but if all you do is to talk and not work, you will remain poor.
24One of the rewards MET of being wise is to become rich; the reward of acting foolishly is to become more foolish.
25By saying in court what is true, you can save the life of the one who is being falsely accused; if you tell lies, you are abandoning someone who needs your help to defend him.
26Those who revere Yahweh are confident that he will protect them, and their family will also be protected.
27Having an awesome respect for Yahweh is like MET having a fountain that gives life; it will help you to escape when something dangerous is threatening to kill you MET.
28If a king rules over many people, many people will be able to honor him; if he has only a few people in his kingdom, he will have very little HYP power.
29Those who do not quickly become angry are very wise; by quickly becoming angry, people show that they are foolish.
30Having a mind that is peaceful results in having a healthy body; having a mind that is often in turmoil is like MET cancer in a person's bones.
31Those who oppress poor people are insulting God, the one who made those poor people, but acting kindly toward them is respecting God.
32Wicked people ruin themselves by the evil things that they do, but righteous/good people are kept safe/protected even when they die (OR, because of their continually doing what is right).
33Those who have good sense always think what is wise; foolish people do not know anything about being wise.