5When people are honest and good, that will ◄direct their paths/show them what is right for them to do►; but wicked people will experience disasters because of the evil things that they do.
6God rescues/protects righteous people because they ◄are honest/do what is right►, but those who ◄are treacherous/cannot be trusted► will be trapped because of their being greedy.
7When wicked people die, they cannot confidently expect to receive anything that is good; they expect that their money will help/save them, but it will not.
8Yahweh rescues righteous people from their troubles/difficulties; instead, it is the wicked who will have troubles.
9Godless people can ruin others by what they say MTY, but righteous people will be saved by their ◄own good sense/being wise►.
10When things go well for righteous people, the people in MTY their city are happy, and they shout joyfully when wicked people die.
11When righteous people request God to bless a city, that city will become great, but cities are ruined by what wicked people say MTY.