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Wycliffe Bible - Matthew - Matthew 13

Matthew 13:24-58

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24Anothir parable Jhesus puttide forth to hem, and seide, The kyngdom of heuenes is maad lijk to a man, that sewe good seed in his feld.
25And whanne men slepten, his enemy cam, and sewe aboue taris in the myddil of whete, and wente awei.
26But whanne the erbe was growed, and made fruyt, thanne the taris apperiden.
27And the seruauntis of the hosebonde man camen, and seiden to hym, Lord, whether hast thou not sowun good seed in thi feeld? where of thanne hath it taris?
28And he seide to hem, An enemy hath do this thing. And the seruauntis seiden to him, `Wolt thou that we goon, and gaderen hem?
29And he seide, Nay, lest perauenture ye in gaderynge taris drawen vp with hem the whete bi the roote.
30Suffre ye hem bothe to wexe in to repyng tyme; and in the tyme of ripe corne Y shal seie to the reperis, First gadere ye to gidere the taris, and bynde hem to gidere in knytchis to be brent, but gadere ye whete in to my berne.
31Another parable Jhesus puttide forth to hem, and seide, The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a corn of seneuey, which a man took, and sewe in his feeld.
32Which is the leeste of alle seedis, but whanne it hath woxen, it is the moste of alle wortis, and is maad a tre; so that briddis of the eir comen, and dwellen in the bowis therof.
33Another parable Jhesus spac to hem, The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to sour douy, which a womman took, and hidde in thre mesuris of mele, til it were alle sowrid.
34Jhesus spac alle thes thingis in parablis to the puple, and he spac not to hem with out parablis, that it schulde be fulfillid,
35that is seid bi the prophete, seiynge, Y shal opene my mouth in parablis; Y shal telle out hid thingis fro the makyng of the world.
36Thanne he lefte the puple, and cam in to an hous; and hise disciplis camen to him, and seiden, Expowne to vs the parable of taris of the feeld.
37Which answeride, and seide, He that sowith good seed is mannus sone;
38the feeld is the world; but the good seed, these ben sones of the kyngdom, but taris, these ben yuele children;
39the enemye that sowith hem is the feend; and the ripe corn is the endyng of the world, the reperis ben aungels.
40Therfor as taris ben gaderid togidere, and ben brent in fier, so it shal be in the endyng of the world.
41Mannus sone shal sende hise aungels, and thei schulen gadere fro his rewme alle sclaundris, and hem that doon wickidnesse;
42and thei schulen sende hem in to the chymney of fier, there shal be weping and betyng to gidere of teeth.
43Thanne iuste men schulen schyne as the sunne, in the rewme of her fadir. He that hath eeris of heryng, here he.
44The kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to tresour hid in a feld, which a man that fyndith, hidith; and for ioye of it he goith, and sillith alle thingis that he hath, and bieth thilk feeld.
45Eftsoone the kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a marchaunt, that sechith good margaritis;
46but whanne he hath foundun o precious margarite, he wente, and selde alle thingis that he hadde, and bouyte it.
47Eft the kyngdom of heuenes is lijk to a nette cast into the see, and that gaderith to gidere of al kynde of fisschis;
48which whanne it was ful, thei drowen vp, and seten bi the brenke, and chesen the goode in to her vessels, but the yuel thei kesten out.
49So it schal be in the endyng of the world. Aungels schulen go out, and schulen departe yuel men fro the myddil of iuste men.
50And thei shulen sende hem in to the chymnei of fier; ther shal be weping and gryntyng of teeth.
51Han ye vndirstonde alle these thingis? Thei seien to hym, Yhe.
52He seith to hem, Therfor euery wise man of lawe in the kyngdom of heuenes, is lijk to an hosebonde man, that bryngith forth of his tresoure newe thingis and elde.
53And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid these parablis, he passide fro thennus.
54And he cam in to his cuntrei, and tauyte hem in her synagogis, so that thei wondriden, and seiden, Fro whennus this wisdam and vertues camen to this?
55Whether `is not this the sone of a carpentere? Whether his modir be not seid Marie? and hise britheren, James, and Joseph, and Symount, and Judas? and hise sistris,
56whether thei alle ben not among us? Fro whennus thanne `alle thes thingis camen to this?
57And so thei weren sclaundrid in hym. But Jhesus seide to hem, A profete is not with oute worschip, but in his owen cuntre, and in his owen hous.
58And he dide not there manye vertues, for the vnbileue of hem.

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