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Bible Ni Thothup - Proverbs - Proverbs 17

Proverbs 17:3-6

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3Gol nge silber e yima sikengnag ko nifiy ma gumircha’en e girdi’ e SOMOL e ma sikengnag.
4Girdi’ ni kireb e yad ma motoyil ko tin nib kireb, ma pi sasalap l’ugun e yad ma motoyil ko sasalap.
5Fa’anra um dariyfannag e girdi’ ni gafgow, ma ga be darifannag Got ni ir e sunmiyrad. Yira gechig nagem ni fa’anra i felfelan’um ko gafgow nike aw ngak be’.
6Pi tutuw nge titaw e yad ba uf ngak pi tonginrad, ni bod e pi’in bitir ni yad ba uf ko pi chitamangirad.

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