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Yakʼusda bughunek: k’andit khunek neba lhaidinla - Mark - Mark 4

Mark 4:32-40

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32'Et hanúlhyih teh, 'ink'ez soo k'enulhyi, 'i ts'iyawh 'ut'an hanúlhyih degha nus 'udelcho 'ulhih. 'Et huwa buzooschum dincha hoh lhts'enunúlhye, 'et dut'aiyaz yutah 'ut'o nilih.”
33Lhat higha hódool'eh ka hubulh yálhtuk dáhoolcho 'i be t'ehontezeh, 'et zeh hukw'u hubulh náwhulnuk.
34Higha hódool'eh, 'i be zeh hubulh yálhtuk, 'et whunts'ih dich'oh 'úhint'ah teh, yugha hoodul'eh, 'en soo cho huba hukw'ú nuhúlhye.
35'Et hulhgha Sizi yugha hoodul'eh, 'en ndó bulhni, “Nyan tadatus ts'ih uztóoke.”
36'Et 'ilhohuwezdel buch'a nahusdel, yugha hoodul'eh ts'i be hándel, Sizi 'uda ye usda, 'i be nyan hutezki, 'uyoo ts'iyaz chah hubulh tezkat.
37Khunyaz nilhts'i ulhtus tezts'i hoh tatsi dincha k'et ts'i be tadutih 'ink'ez 'ankw'us too be whendunimbun.
38'Et Sizi ts'i niz ts'ih 'et tsi'alh k'ut tsilhu'al 'ink'ez nanésti. 'Et yugha hoodul'eh ts'ih nahinílhdzut 'ink'ez 'uhiyúlhni, “Nehodulh'eh, 'aw 'et yats'utedlah! 'Aw ih neghu ni chaínlah?”
39Sizi didinya hoh too k'ut nilhtsi khunek ulhtus, 'i be hukwa' yudáni, “Nilhts'i, 'ustl'e' 'ineh,” 'ink'ez, “Tatsi nughuzina,” 'ink'ez 'Aw 'et dónghel.
40'Et Sizi yugha hoodul'eh ndo búlhni, “Dahoont'ah huwa stabe whenlhujut, 'aw ih bé 'alha' hoont'ah, 'i chaht'ih hoh 'aht'ah?”

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