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Bogtag we ye Tefoy - John - John 10

John 10:3-31

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3Yeramtala posol hatmal chomol we yebe sugu hatam we ngali. Iwe ngo saaf kowe lol rebe rongrong yalol le yebe ffesangu mekla ider ngo re bele budoh irel. Iwe ngo iy ye bele palirwey.
4Yodwe yesa palirwey mo yulgul chomol we, ngo ye bele hamo mo imoar, ngo saaf kowe re bele dabey bo re gola lliyalol.
5Saaf kowe ila re towe dabey semal yarmat mo solbos bo re togla lliyalol. Rebe far ddar tangi.”
6Jesus ye kangalur Pharisees kowe fiyong le ngo ir re temedaf iyang.
7Iwe Jesus yesa wol sor bo, “Ibe kangalugmi mala katosal: Ngang mele hatam ngalir saaf kowe.
8Panger rechokla re hamodoh mo imoy ngo cho machoh mo cho tayikof iwe ngo saaf kowe rete taelenga yalor.
9Ngang mele hatam. Te tugul semal le yebe budoh irey ngo yebe daor; Semal le be bulong mo irel hatam le, ngo bela buyoy ngo yebe wiri yolbuw.
10Cho machoh ila rema budoh rebe peraf, ngo re hattewas ngo re lilimesloh saaf. Iwe ngo ngang ibudoh le fael mala be yoh ngalugmi molow. Ila molow la ye hartal momay.
11“Ngang mele re mametal saaf le imomay; ngo ye fel mo irey le ibe fangloh yai ngas bo yiglir.
12Semal le re fang chog paliyal bo yebe kemahor saaf kowe ila te faesul iy semal re matmetal saaf ngo tor spegil lol saaf. Iy ila yebe wiri chog semal wolve ngo yebe ddar yesa tahcherloh saaf kowe. Iwe ngo wolve we bele lliy fedaler saaf kowe ngo re bele medardar fedal.
13Mal we re fang paliyal ila yebe ddar bo re fang chog paliyal be yengang, ngo iy ye te kadagirloh saaf kowe.
14Ngang mele re matmetal saaf le imomay. Mala Temay ye golayey ngo Ngang igula mala Temay. Wol ila sengal yai golar saaf ka layi ngo ir re golayey. Ye fel mo irey le ibe fangloh yai ngas bo yiglir.
16Ye chil yor tot layi saaf le re ted mel luwulur ika lal chomol le. Ihatugulu le ibe hateyilirdoh; ngo ir rebe taelenga yaloy. Ila ngo re bele ttey fengal chog panger saaf kowe mo solbos sala hal semal chog re matmeter.
17“Mala Temay ye hachangiyey le fael mala ye fel mo irey le ibe fangloh yai ngas bo mil mala be yoh le ibe wol molow tefael.
18Tor semal le be hasi tangyey molow le yai. Ibe fangloh yai ngas le ila wey mo lal depey. Yor kkeley le ibe fangloh yai ngas, ngo wol yor kkeley le ibe molow tefael. Iye mele mala Temay ye hatobtob ngalyey ibe foru.”
19Resa wol harere yarmat le fael hapatpat kewe yael Jesus.
20Ye cholop le re sor bo, “Yor moniyan uwol! Yesa buch! Meda mele hala taelenga mekla ye sosor iyang?”
21Iwe ngo sibis ir re sor bo, “Semal le be yor moniyan uwol ngo towe yoh le be iye sengal yal hapatpat! Be ifa sengal ngo ye sala yoh le semal moniyan yebe hachuya yar yarmat metafis?”
22La yodle ngo Llifang ngo resa kukubulu molwe Bungul Templum we mo woal Jerusalem.
23Jesus ye dedarloh fael sew branda mo irel Templum we, le rema sor bo, “Branda we yael Solomon.”
24Iwe ngo yarmat resa tteydoh irel ngo resa kasiya bo, “Be ifa lepal sulayel yam hayewla fedaley chog depmem hare gel itey? Kangalugmem mala tosal: gel mele Kristus?”
25Jesus sa hatefaeli ngo yesa sor bo, “Sa mol yai kangalugmi ngo hami ha te chepar ngalyey. Meka ima foru irel kkelel mala Temay ila yema halehaloh kofay;
26iwe ngo hami ha towe chepar iyang bo te hami layi saaf.
27Ngang igular saaf kala layi. Iwe ngo ir rema dabeyey bo re gola lliyaloy.
28Isa fang ngalir molow la tor siyal. Tayor fael sew le rebe mes. Tor semal le yebe hasir tangyey.
29Mala Temay le ye fang ngalyey meka ila ye tagiyet mo imol pangal formel. Iwe ngo tor semal le be yoh le yebe hasi meka tang mala Temay.
30Ngang mo mala Temay ila ha sew chog.”
31Iwe ngo yarmat resa kak feas bo rebe hacchifi le fael mokwe ye sor.

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