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Open English Bible (Commonwealth Spelling) - Acts - Acts 9

Acts 9:16-24

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16I will myself show him all that he has to suffer for my name.”
17So Ananias went, entered the house, and, placing his hands on Saul, said, “Saul, my brother, I have been sent by the Lord — by Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here — so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
18Instantly it seemed as if a film fell from Saul's eyes, and his sight was restored. Then he got up and was baptised,
19and, after he had taken food, he felt his strength return. Saul stayed for some days with the disciples who were at Damascus,
20and at once began in the synagogues to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.
21All who heard him were amazed. “Is not this,” they asked, “the man who worked havoc in Jerusalem amongst those that invoke this name, and who had also come here for the express purpose of having such persons put in chains and taken before the chief priests?”
22Saul's influence, however, kept steadily increasing, and he confounded the Jewish people who lived in Damascus by the proofs that he gave that Jesus was the Christ.
23After some time some of them laid a plot to kill Saul,
24but it became known to him. They even watched the gates day and night, to kill him;

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