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Nuevo Testamento yin̈ abxubal - San Lucas - San Lucas 13

San Lucas 13:31-32

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31Haꞌticꞌa yin̈ huneꞌ tzꞌayic tuꞌ, apni huntekꞌan ebnaj fariseo iscꞌatan̈ Comam Jesús, yalni ebnaj: —Mamin, elan̈ yul cocon̈obtiꞌan̈ yuto choche naj Herodes cachispotxꞌoꞌ, ẍi ebnaj.
32Istakꞌwi Comam: —As halwe tet huneꞌ naj lekꞌtiꞌ tuꞌ hacaꞌ noꞌ wech ta huneꞌ tzꞌayic tiꞌ yebpaxo hecal chiwakꞌ cawxojan anma yaꞌay, yebpaxo xin chiwilojan ischejab naj matzwalil yin̈ anma, haꞌ to yet cabe chilahwi inmuniltiꞌan.

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