2When good people are in charge, everybody celebrates; but when the wicked rule, everybody groans.
3A man who loves wisdom makes his father happy, but one who visits prostitutes throws away his money.
4A king who rules justly makes the country secure, but one who asks for bribes will destroy it.
5Those who flatter their friends lay a net to trip them up.
6Evil people are trapped by their own sins, but those who do right sing and celebrate.
7Good people care about treating the poor fairly, but the wicked don't think about it at all.
8Cynical people can inflame a whole city, but the wise calm angry people down.
9When a wise man takes a stupid man to court, there's raging and ridicule, but nothing is settled.
10Murderers hate people of integrity, but those who live right try to help them.
11Stupid people let all their anger out, while wise people quietly hold it in.
12A ruler who listens to lies will have nothing but wicked officials.
13Poor people and their oppressors have this in common: the Lord gives life to all of them.
14If a king judges the poor fairly, he will have a long rule.
15Discipline and correction provide wisdom, but a son left undisciplined is an embarrassment to his mother.
16When the wicked are in power, sin increases; but the good will see their downfall.