15Discipline and correction provide wisdom, but a son left undisciplined is an embarrassment to his mother.
16When the wicked are in power, sin increases; but the good will see their downfall.
17Discipline your children and they won't give you any worries; they will make you very happy.
18Without a revelation from God, the people go out of control, but those who keep the law are happy.
19A servant can't be disciplined by words alone; though they understand, they don't follow what they're told.
20Have you seen a man who speaks without thinking? There's more hope for stupid people than for him!
21A servant indulged from childhood will in the end become unmanageable.
22Angry people stir up trouble, those with short tempers commit many sins.
23If you're proud, you'll be humiliated; but if you're humble, you'll be honored.
24A thief's partner hates his life; even under the threat of being cursed he can't tell the truth.