15Stripes and reproofs give wisdom: But an erring child disgraces his parents.
16When the ungodly abound, sins abound: But when they fall, the righteous are warned.
17Chasten thy son, and he shall give thee rest; And he shall give honor to thy soul.
18There shall be no interpreter to a sinful nation: But he that observes the law is blessed.
19A stubborn servant will not be reproved by words: For even if he understand, still he will not obey.
20If thou see a man hasty in his words, Know that the fool has hope rather than he.
21He that lives wantonly from a child, shall be a servant, And in the end shall grieve over himself.
22A furious man stirs up strife, And a passionate man digs up sin.
23Pride brings a man low, But the Lord upholds the humble minded with honor.
24He that shares with a thief, hates his own soul: And if any having heard an oath uttered tell not of it,