20If you pay attention to wise instruction you will do well; you'll be happy if you trust in the Lord.
21If you think wisely you'll be called perceptive; if you speak pleasantly you'll be persuasive.
22If you have good sense it will be a fountain of life to you, but stupid people are punished by their stupidity.
23A wise mind makes sure to say sensible things; the words spoken are persuasive.
24Kind words are like a honeycomb—they taste sweet and are healthy for the body.
25There's a way that seems to be right, but in the end it's the way of death.
26A good appetite helps workers—hunger encourages them.
27Worthless people plot evil and their words burn like fire.
28Quarrelsome people cause conflict, and a gossip comes between the closest friends.
29Violent people lure their friends, and lead them in a direction that's not good for them.
30People who give you a sly wink are plotting bad things; they purse their lips and make evil happen.
31Gray hair is a glorious crown; it's achieved by living right.
32Better to be slow to anger than to be powerful, better to have self-control than to conquer a town.