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Young's Literal Translation - 1 Kings - 1 Kings 16

1 Kings 16:4-17

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4him who dieth of Baasha in a city do the dogs eat, and him who dieth of his in a field do fowl of the heavens eat.'
5And the rest of the matters of Baasha, and that which he did, and his might, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
6And Baasha lieth with his fathers, and is buried in Tirzah, and Elah his son reigneth in his stead.
7And also by the hand of Jehu son of Hanani the prophet a word of Jehovah hath been concerning Baasha, and concerning his house, and concerning all the evil that he did in the eyes of Jehovah to provoke Him to anger with the work of his hands, to be like the house of Jeroboam, and concerning that for which he smote him.
8In the twenty and sixth year of Asa king of Judah reigned hath Elah son of Baasha over Israel in Tirzah, two years;
9and conspire against him doth his servant Zimri (head of the half of the chariots) and he is in Tirzah drinking — a drunkard in the house of Arza, who is over the house in Tirzah.
10And Zimri cometh in and smiteth him, and putteth him to death, in the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah, and reigneth in his stead;
11and it cometh to pass in his reigning, at his sitting on his throne, he hath smitten the whole house of Baasha; he hath not left to him any sitting on the wall, and of his redeemers, and of his friends.
12And Zimri destroyeth the whole house of Baasha, according to the word of Jehovah, that He spake concerning Baasha, by the hand of Jehu the prophet:
13concerning all the sins of Baasha, and the sins of Elah his son, that they sinned, and that they caused Israel to sin to provoke Jehovah, God of Israel, with their vanities.
14And the rest of the matters of Elah, and all that he did, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of the kings of Israel?
15In the twenty and seventh year of Asa king of Judah, reigned hath Zimri seven days in Tirzah; and the people are encamping against Gibbethon, which is to the Philistines;
16and the people who are encamping hear, saying, 'Zimri hath conspired, and also hath smitten the king;' and all Israel cause Omri head of the host to reign over Israel on that day in the camp.
17And Omri goeth up, and all Israel with him, from Gibbethon, and they lay siege to Tirzah.

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Compare 1 Kings 16:4-171 Kings 16:4-17