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Free Bible Version - Romans - Romans 5

Romans 5:3-11

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3Not only this—we also remain confident when problems come, because we know that experiencing problems develops spiritual stamina.
4Spiritual stamina in turn develops a mature character, and this mature character results in confident hope.
5Since we have this hope we're never disappointed, for God's love has been poured into us through the Holy Spirit he's given us.
6When we were completely helpless, at just the right time Christ died for us ungodly people.
7Who would die for anybody else, even someone who does what's right? (Though perhaps somebody would be brave enough to die for someone really good.)
8But God demonstrates his love for us in that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
9Now that we are made right by his death, we can be absolutely sure we'll be saved by him from the coming judgment.
10While we were his enemies, God made us his friends through the death of his Son, and so we can be absolutely sure that he will save us through the life of his Son.
11In addition to this we now celebrate what God has done through our Lord Jesus Christ to reconcile us and make us his friends.

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