5They will protect you from the immoral woman, from the prostitute with her seductive words.
6One time I looked through the lattice of the window in my house,
7and I saw among the immature young men one who had no sense at all.
8He was walking down the street near the corner where she lived and took the road passing her house.
9It was at dusk in the evening, as the light was fading and the dark night closed in.
10Then out came a woman came to meet him. She was dressed as a prostitute and had deceptive intentions.
11(She was loud and provocative, never wanting to stay at home.
12One moment she'd be walking the streets, the next she'd be there in the town squares, loitering at every corner.)
13She grabbed hold of him and kissed him, and with a bold face she told him,
14“I sacrificed my peace offering today, and paid my vows.
15That's why I came out to meet you. I was looking for you and now I've found you!
16My bed is made, covered with colorful linens from Egypt.
17I've sprinkled perfume on my bed—myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
18Come with me, let's make love until the morning. Let's enjoy one another in our love-making!
19My husband isn't home; he's gone on a long trip.
20He took a bag of money with him, and he won't be coming back until the full moon.”
21She convinced him with all that she said; she seduced him with her smooth talking.
22He followed her right away, like an ox to the slaughter. Like a stag that's caught in a snare