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Free Bible Version - Proverbs - Proverbs 24

Proverbs 24:17-26

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17Don't celebrate when your enemies fall; don't be glad when they trip up,
18otherwise when the Lord sees it, he'll be unhappy with you and won't punish your enemies as he planned.
19Don't get all upset over the wicked, or be jealous of those who do wrong,
20for evil people have no future—the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
21My son, honor the Lord and the king, and don't join those who are rebellious,
22for disaster will suddenly fall on them. Who knows how the Lord and king will punish them?
23These are more sayings of the wise: Showing favoritism when passing judgment is wrong.
24Those who tell the guilty, “You're innocent,” will be cursed by the people and hated by the nation,
25while those who convict the guilty will be appreciated, and will receive a rich blessing.
26An honest answer is a kiss on the lips.

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