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Free Bible Version - Proverbs - Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1:23-29

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23Pay attention to my warnings, and I'll pour out my deepest thoughts to you—I'll explain what I know to you.
24For I have called you, but you refused to listen; I reached out my hand to you, but you didn't care.
25You ignored everything I said; you wouldn't accept any of my warnings.
26So I'll laugh at you when you're in trouble; I'll mock you when you're in a panic.
27When panic rains down on you like a storm, when trouble hits you like a whirlwind, when sorrow and pain come on you,
28then you'll call out to me for help, but I won't answer; you'll search hard for me, but won't find me.
29Why?—because they hated knowledge, and they didn't choose to respect the Lord.

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