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Free Bible Version - Proverbs - Proverbs 19

Proverbs 19:14-21

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14You inherit a house and wealth from your father, but a sensible wife is a gift from the Lord.
15Lazy people are often fast asleep, but idleness means they're hungry.
16Keep the commandments, and you'll live; despise them and you'll die.
17If you're kind to the poor, you're lending to the Lord, and he will repay you well for what you've done.
18Discipline your son while there's still hope, but don't kill him.
19People who often get angry have to pay the penalty; if you help them, you'll have to do it again.
20Listen to advice and accept instruction so that you'll eventually become wise.
21Human beings make many plans in their minds, but the final decision is the Lord's.

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