11Evil people are only looking to rebel, so a cruel messenger will be sent to attack them.
12Better to meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs than a stupid person and their foolishness.
13If you repay evil for good, evil will never leave your house.
14The beginning of a quarrel is like the first leak in a water dam, so drop it before a major argument bursts out.
15The Lord hates it when the wicked are acquitted and the innocent condemned.
16Is there any point in stupid people trying to buy wisdom when they don't want to learn?
17A true friend is always there to love you, and family provides help when troubles come.
18It's not a wise idea to make a pledge and guarantee a neighbor's debt.
19People who love sin like to argue; those who build high gates invite destruction.
20People with warped minds don't succeed; those who tell lies get into trouble.
21A stupid son brings grief to his father; the father of a child who does stupid things has no joy.
22A cheerful attitude is like good medicine, but discouragement makes you sick.