7Wise people share their knowledge, but stupid people don't think like that.
8The Lord hates the sacrifices of the wicked, but he loves the prayers of the good.
9The Lord hates the ways of the wicked, but he loves those who do what is right.
10If you leave the right path you will be severely disciplined; anyone who hates correction will die.
11Those already dead have no secrets from the Lord—how much more does he know our thoughts!
12Scoffers don't like to be corrected, so they don't go to the wise for advice.
13If you're happy inside, you'll have a cheerful face, but if you're sad, you look crushed.
14An insightful mind looks for knowledge, but stupid people feed on foolishness.
15The life of poor people is hard, but if you stay cheerful, it's a continual feast.
16It's better to respect the Lord and only have a little than to have plenty of money and the trouble that comes with it.
17Better a dinner of vegetables where there's love than eating meat with hatred.
18Short-tempered people stir up trouble, but those slow to anger calm things down.