4Without oxen, the manger is empty, but a good harvest comes through the ox's strength.
5A trustworthy witness doesn't lie, but a false witness is deceptive.
6It's pointless for a scoffer to look for wisdom, but knowledge comes easily to someone who understands.
7Stay away from stupid people—you won't learn anything from them.
8Sensible people use their wisdom to decide where they're going, but the foolishness of stupid people is treacherous.
9Stupid people laugh at sin, but good people want forgiveness.
10The individual's mind alone knows its sadnesses, and no one else can share its happiness.
11The house of wicked people will be destroyed, but the tent of good people will prosper.
12There's a way that seems to be right, but in the end it's the way of death.
13Even when you're laughing you can be feeling sad—joy can end in grief.
14Disloyal people are repaid for what they do, and good people are rewarded.
15Stupid people believe whatever they're told, but sensible people think about what they're doing.
16Wise people are careful and avoid evil, but stupid people are confidently reckless.
17Quick-tempered people act foolishly, while people who make evil plans are hated.
18The inheritance of stupid people is stupidity, but sensible people are rewarded with knowledge.
19Evil people bow down before good people, and the wicked bow down at the doors of those who do right.