4Lazy people want a lot, but get nothing; if you work hard you'll be well rewarded.
5Good people hate lies, but the wicked cause a stink and bring disgrace.
6Goodness protects those who live right, but sin overcomes the wicked.
7Some pretend to be rich, but don't have anything, while others pretend to be poor and are very rich.
8The rich can pay a ransom to save their lives, but the poor aren't troubled in this way.
9The life of good people shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
10Pride only causes conflict; but those who take advice are wise.
11Wealth gained by fraud quickly disappears, but those who gather bit by bit prosper.
12Hope that's delayed makes you feel sick, but a wish that comes true revives you.
13If you despise words of advice, you'll pay for it; but if you respect what you're told, you'll be rewarded.