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Free Bible Version - Proverbs - Proverbs 12

Proverbs 12:2-23

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2The Lord blesses the good, but he condemns anyone with evil schemes.
3Wickedness doesn't provide security, but those who live right are deeply rooted and cannot be moved.
4A good wife is a crown for her husband, but one who brings shame is like rot in his bones.
5Good people make plans that are fair, but the advice of the wicked is deceptive.
6The words of the wicked are like a violent ambush, but those of honest people save them.
7The wicked are destroyed, and they're gone, but the family of the good stands firm.
8People are appreciated for talking sense, but those with perverted minds are despised.
9Better to be a humble man serving himself than a boastful man who has nothing to eat.
10Good people look after their animals, but the care given by wicked is really cruelty.
11If you cultivate the land you'll have plenty of food, but if you chase after worthless things you're stupid.
12Wicked people long for ill-gotten gains, but good people are productive themselves.
13The wicked trap themselves by their own sinful words, but good people escape trouble.
14What you say brings you rewards, and your work returns to bless you.
15Stupid people think they're on the right track, but if you're wise you listen to advice.
16Stupid people get angry immediately, but if you're sensible you ignore an insult.
17Whoever tells the truth is being honest, but a false witness tells lies.
18Some people's hasty words cut like a knife, but the words of the wise bring healing.
19Words of truth last forever, but lies are gone in a moment.
20Deceit is in the mind of those planning evil, but those who plan peace have joy.
21No harm comes to the good, but trouble fills the wicked.
22The Lord hates liars but is happy with those who are trustworthy.
23If you're sensible, you don't show off your knowledge, but stupid people announce their stupidity.

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