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Free Bible Version - Proverbs - Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10:4-20

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4Lazy hands make you poor, but hard-working hands make you rich.
5A son who gathers crops during the summer is sensible, but the one who sleeps during harvest brings disgrace.
6Those who are good are blessed, but what the wicked say hides their violent nature.
7The good are remembered as a blessing, but the reputation of the wicked will rot.
8Those who think wisely pay attention to instruction, but a stupid chatterbox ends up in disaster.
9Honest people will live in safety, but those who behave deceitfully will be caught out.
10People who wink slyly cause trouble, but someone who gives a strong rebuke brings peace.
11What good people say is a spring that gives life, but what the wicked say hides their violent nature.
12Hatred causes conflict, but love covers all wrongs.
13Wisdom comes from people with good judgment, but stupid people are punished with a rod.
14Wise people accumulate knowledge, but the chattering of stupid people is a prelude to disaster.
15The wealth of the rich provides them protection, while the poverty of the poor ruins them.
16If you do right you're rewarded with life, but if you're wicked all you gain is sin.
17If you accept instruction, you're on the path to life, but if you reject correction you'll go astray.
18Anyone who hides their hatred is lying, and anyone who spreads slander is stupid.
19If you talk too much, you'll say something wrong. Be wise and take care what you say.
20What good people say is like the best silver, but the mind of the wicked isn't worth much.

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