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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - John - John 2

John 2:3-8

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3And when wine failed, the mother of Jesus said to him, They have not wine (or They have no wine).
4And Jesus saith to her, What to me and to thee, woman? mine hour came not yet. (And Jesus said to her, What is it to me or to thee, woman? my hour hath not come yet, or it is not yet my time.)
5His mother saith to the ministers, Whatever thing he saith to you, do ye. (His mother said to the servants, Whatever he saith to you, do it.)
6And there were set (there) six stone cans, after the cleansing of the Jews, holding each two or three metretes. Forsooth there were put six stone pots, after the cleansing of (the) Jews, taking each two or three measures. (And there were put there six stone pots, or six stone water jars, for the purification rites of the Jews, each one holding two or three measures, or twenty or thirty gallons.)
7And Jesus saith to them, Fill ye the pots with water. And they filled them, up to the mouth or unto the highest part.
8And Jesus said to them, Draw ye (it) now, and bear ye to the master of the feast. And they bare (it to him).

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