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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Isaiah

Isaiah 14

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1for why the Lord shall have mercy of Jacob, and he shall choose yet of Israel, and shall make them for to rest on their land; a comeling shall be joined to them, and shall cleave to the house of Jacob.
2And peoples shall hold them, and shall bring them into their place. And the house of Israel shall have them in possession into servants and hand-maids on the land of the Lord; and they shall take those men that took them, and they shall make subject their wrongful askers.
3And it shall be in that day, when God shall give to thee rest of thy travail, and of thy shaking, and of hard servage, in which thou servedest before,
4thou shalt take this parable against the king of Babylon, and thou shalt say, How ceased the wrongful asker, rested the tribute?
5The Lord hath all-broken the staff of wicked men, the rod of lords,
6that beat peoples in indignation, with uncurable wound, that subjected folks in strong vengeance, that pursued cruelly.
7Each land rested, and was still; it was joyful, and made full out joy.
8Also fir trees and cedars of the Lebanon were glad on thee; Since thou sleptest, none ascendeth or went up that cutteth us down.
9Hell under thee is troubled for the meeting of thy coming; he shall raise giants to thee; all the princes of the earth have risen from their seats, all the princes of nations.
10All they shall answer, and they shall say to thee, And thou art wounded as we, thou art made like us.
11Thy pride is drawn down to hells or to hell, thy dead carrion fell down; a moth shall be strewed under thee, and thy covering shall be worms.
12A! Lucifer, that risedest early, how fellest thou down from heaven; thou that woundedest folks, felledest down altogether into the earth.
13Which saidest in thine heart, I shall ascend or go up into heaven, I shall enhance my seat above the stars of heaven; I shall sit in the hill of testament, in the sides of the north.
14I shall ascend or go up on the highness of clouds; I shall be like the Highest.
15Nevertheless thou shalt be drawn down to hell, into the depth of the pit.
16They that shall see thee, shall be bowed down to thee, and shall behold thee. And they shall say, Whether this is the man, that troubled the earth, that shook together realms?
17that setted or put the world desert, and destroyed the cities thereof, and opened not the prison to the bound men of him?
18All the kings of heathen men, all slept in glory, a man in his house.

19But thou art cast out of thy sepulchre, as an unprofitable stock, as defouled with rot; and wrapped with them that be slain with sword, and went down to the foundament of the pit. As a rotten carrion,
20thou shalt not have fellowship, neither with them in sepulchre, for thou hast lost thy land, thou hast slain the people; the seed of the worst men shall not be called without end.
21Make ye ready his sons to slaying, for the wickedness of their fathers; they shall not rise, neither they shall inherit the land, neither they shall fill the face of the roundness of cities.
22And I shall rise up on them, saith the Lord of hosts, and I shall lose the name of Babylon, and the remnants, and generation, and seed, saith the Lord.
23And I shall set or put that Babylon into possession of an urchin, and into marishes of waters; and I shall sweep it with a besom, and I shall stamp, saith the Lord of hosts.
24The Lord of hosts swore, saying, Whether it shall not be so, as I guessed, and it shall befall so, as I treated in soul?
25That I all-break the king of Assyrians in my land, and that I defoul him in mine hills or my mountains; and his yoke shall be taken away from them, and his burden shall be taken away from the shoulder of them.
26This is the counsel which I thought on all the land, and this is the hand stretched forth on all folks.
27For why the Lord of hosts hath deemed, and who may make unsteadfast? and his hand is stretched forth, and who shall turn it away?
28The burden of Philistines. In the year wherein king Ahaz died, this burden was made.
29All thou Philistia, be not glad, for the rod of thy smiter is made less; for why a cockatrice shall go out of the root of an adder, and his seed shall swallow up a bird.
30And the first engendered of poor men shall be fed, and poor men shall rest faithfully; and I shall make thy root to perish in hunger, and I shall slay thy remnants.
31Yell, thou gate; cry, thou city; all Philistia is cast down; for why smoke shall come from the north, and none is that shall escape his host.
32And what shall be answered to the messengers of the folk? for the Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor men of his people shall hope in him.