1The Lord saith these things, What is this book of forsaking of your mother, by which I let go her? either who is he, to whom I owe, to whom I sold you? For lo! ye be sold for your wickednesses, and for your great trespasses I let go your mother.
2For I came, and no man was; I called, and none was that heard. Whether mine hand is abridged, and made little, that I may not again-buy? either strength is not in me for to deliver? Lo! in my blaming I shall make the sea forsaken, either desert, I shall set floods in the dry place; fishes without water shall wax rotten, and shall die for thirst.
3I shall clothe heavens with dark-nesses, and I shall set a sackcloth the covering of them.
4The Lord gave to me a learned tongue, that I know how to sustain him by word that failed; early the father raiseth up, early he raiseth up an ear to me, that I hear as a master.
5The Lord God opened an ear to me; forsooth I against-say not, I went not aback.
6I gave my body to the smiters, and my cheeks to the pullers; I turned not away my face from men blaming, and spitting on me.
7The Lord God is mine helper, and therefore I am not shamed; therefore I have set my face as a stone made hard, and I know that I shall not be shamed.
8He is nigh, that justifieth me; who against-saith me? stand we together. Who is mine adversary? nigh he to me.
9Lo! the Lord God is mine helper; who therefore is he that condemneth me? Lo! all shall be defouled as a cloth, and a moth shall eat them.
10Who of you dreadeth the Lord, and heareth the voice of his servant? Who went in darknesses, and light is not to him, hope he in the name of the Lord, and trust he on his God.
11Lo! all ye kindling fire, and gird with flames, go in the light of your fire, and in the flames which ye have kindled to you. This is made of mine hand to you, ye shall sleep in sorrows.