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De Nyew Testament - Rome - Rome 10

Rome 10:9-17

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9Cause ef ya tell de people say “Jedus, e Lawd” an ya bleebe een ya haat dat God mek Jedus git op fom mongst de dead people an lib gin, den God gwine sabe ya.
10Cause wen we bleebe pon Jedus een we haat, God mek all ting right twix we an esef. An wen we tell people say we bleebe pon Jedus, God sabe we.
11Dey write een God Book say, “All people wa bleebe pon um ain gwine hab no cause fa be saary bout um.”
12Cause dey jes one God fa all people, an e da sabe de Jew people an de people wa ain Jew, all een de same way. Dey all blongst ta de same Lawd, an e da bless all dem tommuch wa da call pon um.
13Jes like dey write een God Book say, “Ebrybody wa da call pon de name ob de Lawd gwine be sabe.”
14Bot how people gwine pray ta de Lawd ef dey ain bleebe pon um? An how dey gwine bleebe pon um ef dey ain neba yeh bout um? An how dey gwine yeh bout um ef nobody ain neba gone an tell um bout um?
15An how people gwine tell um ef nobody ain sen um? Like dey write een God Book say, “How purty de foot dem ob de people wa da bring de Good Nyews.”
16Bot some ob de people ain pay no mind ta de Good Nyews. De prophet Isaiah say, “Lawd, who done bleebe de message we da tell um?”
17So den, cause people yeh de message bout Christ, dey come fa bleebe pon Christ. An somebody haffa go tell people bout Christ fa mek um yeh.

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