Bibles in Botswana

All languages with and without a free Bible Translation in Botswana
The flag of Botswana
Country code: BW
Local name: Botswana
Total population: 2,351,627

The map shows only major languages originating from Botswana and neighboring territories.

There are 42 languages spoken in Botswana.

2 languages are extinct, almost extinct or moribund.

The Bible has been translated into 6 languages and 34 significant languages remains to be translated.

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Bible Translations in Botswana

Significant languages in Botswana with at least one free Bible translation: Naro, Gujarati, Subiya, Hindi, English and Urdu.

Significant languages in Botswana without a free Bible translation: ǃXóõ, Birwa, Kgalagadi, Kua, Mbukushu, Shua, Tsoa, Tswana, Tswapong, ǀGwi, ǁAni, ǁGana, Nyanja, Diriku, Haiǁom, Herero, Juǀʼhoan, Kalanga, Khoekhoe, Kxoe, Kung-Ekoka, Lozi, Luyana, Nambya, North Ndebele, Shona, Pedi, Xhosa, Zulu, Bemba (Zambia), Venda, Fwe, Afrikaans and Southern Sotho.

If you know of a free Bible Translation in Botswana, not listed here, please let us know!