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Open English Bible (U. S. spelling) - Acts - Acts 21

Acts 21:30-39

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30The whole city was stirred, and the people quickly collected, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the Temple, when the doors were immediately shut.
31They were bent on killing him, when it was reported to the officer commanding the garrison, that all Jerusalem was in commotion.
32He instantly got together some officers and soldiers, and charged down on the crowd, who, when they saw the commanding officer and his soldiers, stopped beating Paul.
33Then he went up to Paul, arrested him, ordered him to be doubly chained, and proceeded to inquire who he was, and what he had been doing.
34Some of the crowd said one thing, and some another; and, as he could get no definite reply because of the uproar, he ordered Paul to be taken into the barracks.
35When Paul reached the steps, he was actually being carried by the soldiers, owing to the violence of the mob;
36for the people were following in a mass, shouting out, “Kill him!”
37Just as he was about to be taken into the Fort, Paul said to the commanding officer, “May I speak to you?” “Do you know Greek?” asked the commanding officer.
38“Aren't you, then, the Egyptian who some time ago raised an insurrection and led the four thousand Bandits out into the wilderness?”
39“No,” said Paul, “I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of a city of some note. I beg you to give me permission to speak to the people.”

Read Acts 21Acts 21
Compare Acts 21:30-39Acts 21:30-39