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Translation for Translators - Acts - Acts 10

Acts 10:13-16

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13Then he heard God SYN say to him, “Peter, stand up, kill and cook some of these and eat their meat!”
14But Peter replied, “Lord, surely you (sg) do not really want me to do that! I have never eaten any meat that our Jewish law says is unacceptable to God or something that we(exc) must not eat!”
15Then Peter heard MTY God talk to him a second time. He said, “ I am God, so if I have made something acceptable to eat, do not say that it is not acceptable to eat!”
16This happened three times, so Peter knew that he had to think carefully about what it might mean. Immediately after God had said that the third time, ◄ the sheet with the animals and birds was the pulled back into heaven/ someone pulled the sheet with the animals and birds up into the sky again►.

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Compare Acts 10:13-16Acts 10:13-16