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One Unity Resource Bible - Luke [White-light] - Luke [White-light] 23

Luke [White-light] 23:31-43

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31For if they do these things in the green tree, what will be done in the dry?”
32There were also others, two criminals, led with him to be put to death.
33When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they nailed him to a stake; and they nailed the criminals to stakes, one on the right and the other on the left.
34Yeshua Salvation said, “ Abba ·Father familiar, Dear Dad·, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” They divided up his clothes by casting lots.
35The people stood watching. The rulers with them also scoffed at him, saying, “He saved others. Let him save himself, if this is the Messiah Anointed one of God, his chosen one!”
36The soldiers also mocked him, coming to him and offering him vinegar,
37and saying, “If you are the King of the Jews Praisers, save yourself!”
38An inscription was also written over him in letters of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew Immigrant: “This Is The King of The Jews Praisers .”
39One of the criminals who was hanged insulted him, saying, “If you are the Messiah Anointed one, save yourself and us!”
40But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Don’t you even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?
41And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.”
42He said to Yeshua Salvation, “Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.”
43Yeshua Salvation said to him, “Assuredly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise, (the righteous side of Sheol.”

Read Luke [White-light] 23Luke [White-light] 23
Compare Luke [White-light] 23:31-43Luke [White-light] 23:31-43