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Plain English Version - Acts - Acts 14

Acts 14:1-4

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1The same thing happened in the town called Iconium. Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish teaching house and they talked strongly about Jesus to the people there. They stayed in Iconium a long time telling people about Jesus, and they were not frightened of anyone. God helped Paul and Barnabas do powerful things, and this showed that they were telling the true story about Jesus, that he is very good to people. And a big mob of people believed everything Paul and Barnabas told them. Some of them were Jews and some were not Jews. But some other Jews didn’t believe in Jesus and they talked to some local men and got them to hate the Christians.
4The people of Iconium split up into 2 mobs. One mob reckoned Paul and Barnabas were right and the other mob reckoned the Jews that didn’t believe in Jesus were right.

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