1There were some good Christians in the church in the town called Antioch. They were men that told God’s messages and taught God’s word to people. They were Barnabas, and Simeon (his other name was Niger), and Lucius from the land called Cyrene, and Manaen (he grew up with the big boss called Herod), and Saul.
2Those men had a special time when they stopped eating any food for a while and they prayed to God. At that time the Holy Spirit said to them, “Pick out Barnabas and Saul for me now. I have special work for them to do.”
3So those men kept on praying and not eating any food for a bit longer, then they put their hands on Barnabas and Saul, and prayed for them, and told them, “You can go now and do God’s work.”
4The Holy Spirit told Barnabas and Saul the way to go, so they went to the town called Seleucia, and then they got on a ship and sailed to the island called Cyprus.
5They took John Mark with them to help them in their work. They got off the ship at a town called Salamis, and they went to the Jewish meeting houses and told the people God’s message about Jesus.
6Barnabas, Saul and John Mark went over to the other side of the island, to the town called Paphos. The Roman boss of the island lived there. His name was Sergius Paulus. He had a good head, and he wanted to hear God’s message, so he sent men to bring Barnabas and Saul to him. (Saul had another name. They called him Paul.) There was a Jewish man there that worked for Sergius Paulus. His Jewish name was Bar-Jesus, and his Greek name was Elymas. He was a magic man, and he used to reckon that he was telling people God’s messages, but he was lying. Elymas tried to stop Barnabas and Paul from telling God’s message to Sergius Paulus. He kept telling his Roman boss, “Don’t listen to them.”
9But the Holy Spirit was with Paul, and gave him power. He looked straight at Elymas
10and said, “You are just like the devil. You are full of lies and bad tricks. You try to stop everything that is good. You try to change God’s true story and you lie about him, trying to trick people. Are you ever going to stop doing that?
11God will punish you now. He will make you blind and you will not see the sunlight for a while.” Suddenly Elymas felt himself going blind, and he walked around asking somebody to hold his hand and lead him.
12The Roman boss saw all that happen, and he heard everything Paul said about our leader Jesus. He thought, “Wow. This is different, and it’s really good.” So he believed in Jesus.
13Paul and his friends got on a ship and left Paphos, on Cyprus Island, and they sailed to the town called Perga, in the country called Pamphylia. Then John Mark got up and left them there, and went back to Jerusalem.
14And Paul and Barnabas went on from Perga to another town called Antioch, in the country called Pisidia. Then on Saturday, the day the Jews get together to show respect to God, Paul and Barnabas went into the Jewish meeting house and sat down with the men there.
15Some of the leaders in that meeting read from God’s book. They read words from the Law that Moses wrote, and they read other words that God’s men wrote. Then the leaders asked Paul and Barnabas, “Friends, do you have something to say that will help the people here? If you do, tell us.”
16So Paul stood up and lifted up his hand to get the people to listen to him. He said, “All you Jewish men and all you other people that respect God, listen to me.
17A long time ago the God of us Jewish people picked our grand-fathers of long ago to be his own people. They went to the country called Egypt to live, and while they were there, God made them strong, and they had a lot of kids. So they became a really big mob of people. Then God used his great power and took them out of that country.
18Then they were in the desert country for 40 years. Sometimes they didn’t listen to God, but he looked after them anyway.
19Then they came to the country called Canaan, and God helped them fight against 7 different tribes, and they won. They killed all their enemies, and God gave that country to his own people to keep.
20All of that took about 450 years. Then God picked leaders to look after them, until the time that Samuel was their leader. He was a man that told God’s messages to the people.
21Samuel was their leader, but the people asked him to get a man to be their big boss, and God gave them a man called Saul. He was the son of a man called Kish. Saul belonged to the Benjamin tribe, and he was their big boss for 40 years.
22Then God stopped Saul from being their big boss, and God picked David, and made him the big boss of the Israel people. And God said this, ‘Look at this man, David, the son of Jesse. He is a man that makes me happy. He will do everything that I want him to do.’
23And God promised that a man from David’s family will come to save us Israel people. And now that man has come. His name is Jesus.
24But before Jesus came, a man called John came and talked to us Israel people. He said, ‘Stop doing bad things. Turn around. Turn back to God, and then I will baptise you.’
25And John said, ‘Who do you reckon I am? Do you think I’m that special man that God promised to send? No way. He will come later. I am nothing. I’m not good enough to touch his feet or untie his shoes.’ That’s what John told everyone when he was finishing his work.
26Listen, friends. Some of you are Jews that belong to our grand-father Abraham’s family, and some of you are not Jews but you respect our God. All of you listen to this message that God sent to us. It is about the way God wants to save us.
27A long time ago the men that told God’s words to people wrote those words in his book. They said that God will send a special man, but people will kill him. And people read those words from God’s book in their meetings every Saturday, but they don’t understand them. The people in Jerusalem and their leaders didn’t know that Jesus was that special man, and they said, ‘We have to kill him.’
28So, even though he didn’t do anything wrong, they asked the judge, Pilate, to kill him anyway.
29In that way Jesus died, just like those men wrote in God’s book. And after they killed Jesus they took him down from the cross and put him into a grave.
30But then God made Jesus alive again.
31Then Jesus’s followers saw him a lot of times. They were the mob from Galilee country that came to Jerusalem with him. And now those people are telling everyone about Jesus.
32And we are telling you the same good news about Jesus. You see, a long time ago God promised our grand-fathers that he will do something good for them,
33and now God did it for us, their grand-kids. He made Jesus alive again. You see, we can read it in God’s book, in the part called Psalm number 2. We can read that God said, ‘You are my son. Now people will know that I am your Father.’
34You see, God made Jesus alive, and he will never rot in the grave. We know this is right because we can read that God told his son, ‘I made special promises to David, and I’m making those same promises to you.’
35And there is another psalm that David wrote, and in it God said, ‘You will not let your special person rot in the grave.’
36But God was not saying that about David. You see, at that time, David lived for God, and then he died, and people buried him next to his grand-fathers. His body rotted in that grave.
37But Jesus’s body didn’t rot in a grave. God made him alive again. So God didn’t say those words about David. He said them about Jesus.
38You see, my friends I’m telling you this message. Jesus died for us, so if we believe in him God will not say we are guilty for the bad things we did. The law that Moses gave us can’t make us right and good, so that God will not say we are guilty. But if anyone believes in Jesus, God will make them right and good.
40A long time ago God got some of his men to tell people this. They wrote in his book, ‘Listen. You people make fun of God, but I will do something that you will not believe, even if somebody tells you about it. You will be really shocked, and then you will die.’ So you people be careful. Don’t be like those people that God’s men wrote about.” That is the message that Paul told the people in that meeting in Antioch.
42Then the meeting finished, and Paul and Barnabas started to go out of that meeting house. Some of the people asked them, “Can you come back the next Saturday and tell us more about those things?” And a lot of Jews and other people that respected God followed Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabas talked with them and told them to keep on trusting God, and keep letting him help them.
44The next Saturday nearly all the people in that town came together to hear God’s message about Jesus.
45But the Jewish leaders saw those big mobs of people and they got really jealous. They started saying bad things to the people about Paul, and they said, “Paul is telling lies. His message about Jesus is not true.”
46Paul and Barnabas were not frightened of them. They said, “God sent us to tell his message to you Jews first. But you wouldn’t listen to it, and that shows us that you don’t want to live for ever with God. So now we will tell that message to people that are not Jews.
47You see, God told us to do this. It’s in God’s book. He said, ‘I gave you this job, to be like a light for the people that are not Jews. You will tell people everywhere in the world that I can save them.’”
48Those people that were not Jews heard these words and they were very happy. They said, “Thank you God for this message. It is really good.” And a lot of people there believed in Jesus. You see, a long time before this God picked those people to live with him for ever.
49And those people told God’s message about Jesus to other people, and a lot of people all over that country heard that word from God.
50But the Jewish leaders made trouble for Paul and Barnabas. There were some important women in that town that were not Jews but they respected God. And there were some important men there too. The Jewish leaders said bad things to them about Paul and Barnabas, so that they made big trouble for them. They made so much trouble that Paul and Barnabas had to leave that place.
51As they left they shook the dust off their feet to show those Jews that they were wrong. Then Paul and Barnabas went to the town called Iconium.
52But those people in Antioch that believed in Jesus were very happy, and they kept on letting the Holy Spirit control them.