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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Psalms - Psalms 77

Psalms 77:12-20

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12And I shall think on all thy works; and I shall be exercised, either occupied, in thy findings.
13God, thy way was in the holy place; what God is great as our God?
14thou art God, that doest marvels. Thou madest thy virtue known among peoples;
15thou again-boughtest in thine arm thy people, the sons of Jacob and of Joseph.
16God, waters saw thee, waters saw thee, and dreaded; and depths of waters were troubled.
17The multitude of the sound of waters; clouds gave voice. For why thine arrows pass through;
18the voice of thy thunder was in a wheel. Thy lightnings shined to the world; the earth was moved, and trembled.
19Thy way in the sea, and thy paths in many waters; and thy steps shall not be known.
20Thou leddest forth thy people as sheep; in the hand of Moses and Aaron.

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