2that with right he may judge your people, and your downtrodden ones with justice.
3May the mountains bear weal for the people, and the hills yield fruits of justice.
4The weak may he help to their rights, may he save the sons of the needy and crush the oppressor in pieces.
5May he live as long as the sun, while the moon shines — for ages and ages.
6May he be like the rain on the meadow, like showers that water the earth.
7In his days may justice flourish, and welfare abound, till the moon be no more.
8May he reign from ocean to ocean, from the river to the ends of the earth.
9May his foes bow down before him, his enemies lick the dust.
10May tribute be rendered by kings of the isles and of Tarshish; may gifts be brought by the kings of Sheba and Seba.
11May all kings fall prostrate before him, and all nations yield him their service.
12For he saves the poor when he cries, the helpless and the downtrodden.
13He pities the weak and the poor, he saves the lives of the poor.