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Geneva Bible 1599 - Psalms - Psalms 66

Psalms 66:3-10

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3Say vnto God, Howe terrible art thou in thy workes! through the greatnesse of thy power shall thine enemies be in subiection vnto thee.
4All the worlde shall worship thee, and sing vnto thee, euen sing of thy Name. Selah.
5Come and beholde the workes of God: he is terrible in his doing towarde the sonnes of men.
6He hath turned the Sea into drie land: they passe through the riuer on foote: there did we reioyce in him.
7He ruleth the worlde with his power: his eyes beholde the nations: the rebellious shall not exalt them selues. Selah.
8Prayse our God, ye people, and make the voyce of his prayse to be heard.
9Which holdeth our soules in life, and suffereth not our feete to slippe.
10For thou, O God, hast proued vs, thou hast tryed vs as siluer is tryed.

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