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Translation for Translators - Psalms - Psalms 66

Psalms 66:3-10

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3They should say to God, “The things that you do are awesome! You are very powerful, with the result that your enemies ◄cringe/bow down► in front of you.”
4Everyone on the earth should worship God and sing to praise him and honor him MTY.
5Come and think about what God has done! Think about the awesome things that he has done.
6He caused the Red Sea to become dry land, with the result that our ancestors were able to walk right through it. There we rejoiced because of what he had done.
7By his great power he rules forever , and he keeps watching all the nations to see what things they do, so those nations that want to rebel against him should not be proud.
8You people of all nations, praise our God! Praise him loudly in order that people will hear you as you praise him.
9He has kept us alive, and he has not allowed us to ◄stumble/be defeated►.
10God, you have tested us; you have allowed us to experience great difficulties to make our lives become pure as people put precious metals in a hot fire to burn out what is impure MET.

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